I’d like to present our very first reader’s ride! A sweet ’75 Matador. Here’s the word from Scott:
The pictures were taken the final day of the 2013 Hot Rod Power Tour, approximately 1500 participants. It was one of only 5 AMC long haulers that I counted and the ONLY Matador. That’s what makes her special, no one will ever say its Another Matador.
Bored 30 over AMC 360 with Edelbrock carb, cam and intake; Headman headers exhaling into dual side pipes; Built TorqueFlight 727; and a modified AMC-20 rear-end with a Detroit locker limited slip conversion. Bumpers are deleted with the holes in the rear removed, body and paint by Killeen, Macco (The only ones willing to take on the project in the area, everyone else said it was too hard) with Icelandic Green paint and custom ghost flames.
Looks great, and many thanks to Scott for sending in the pics–one more after the jump!
Want to get your ride in Mopar Blog? Send your best pics plus some info about your Mopar to: moparblog at gmail dot com

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